The Running Prophet

The Running Prophet

November 17, 2013 | Rob Dunn
Jonah 1:1-3

The Running Prophet
Jonah 1:1-3, 2:1; 3:1-3

I. The Reasons for Running

1. Fear
2. Hatred, prejudice, unforgivenes
3. The self-agenda

II. The Results of Running

1. Physical, mental and spiritual trouble
2. God’s discipline

III. The Rescue from Running is Prayer
1. Prayer of Remembrance
2. Prayer of Repentance
3. Prayer of Return

IV. The Result of Rescue is Restoration


Faith Sheet  

Transformation Verse – Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.                      2 Corinthians 9:7(NASB)

Times with the Lord this week – If you have extra time look up the cross references with the Transformation Scripture.

#1- Reviewing this past Sunday

The Running Prophet

1. Read Jonah and review Sunday’s sermon with someone.
2. What do you learn about God’s character from the text?
3. Does the text lead you to confess or give thanks for anything?
4. What specific call do you believe that God has on all believers’ lives (Matthew 28:18-20)?
5. How can you purposefully begin to obey that call? Pray for God’s strength.


# 2- Preparing for Next Sunday

Prayer and Conflict   Luke 22:24-46

1. Read Luke 22:24-46.
2. What did Jesus say is now coming? (vs. 35-38)
3. Notice in vs. 36, “But now...” – What has changed in this verse?
4. Jesus was using the word “sword” either to:

  • indicate take a sword for protection
  • figuratively to mean be on your guard from now on because they are going to crucify me and you will need to be more alert and pray for protection.

See Matthew 26:51-54 to better understand why He was not being literal in this case.

5. What was His custom (habit)? (vs. 39)
6. Read vs. 40-46. What do you see here concerning prayer, being
authentic, and temptation?