Minstry and Multiplying

Minstry and Multiplying

January 26, 2014 | Luke Pavkov
1 Corinthians 3:5-15

Faith Sheet         

Transformation Verse –“…strive together with me in your prayers to God…” “Romans 15:30 (NASB)  

Times with the Lord this week - If you have extra time, look up the cross-references with the Transformation Scripture.

#1- Reviewing this Past Sunday

To Know Him, Treasure Him and Make Him Known

Ministry and Multiplying

Read 1 Corinthians 3:5-15.
2. How have you experienced God’s grace in the ministries you are involved with? Encourage someone this week that has impacted you through his or her ministry.
3. What steps can you take to be obedient in ministry and multiplying? Share these with someone who will pray for you and keep you accountable to follow through.
4. Think carefully about the message that your life and what you are saying is sending to those around you. What habits need to change?
5. Pray for yourself and for MCC, that God would use you and our church to create disciples through ministry and multiplying.

                                      # 2- Preparing for Next Sunday

Facing the Flames of Conflict

#1 Peacemaker Ministries - Resolving Conflict Series

1. Read Matthew 5:21-26.
2. What do you see in the text concerning being a peacemaker?
3.What was the pattern of dealing with conflict in your home growing up? (Avoidance, sarcasm, blow up and ask forgiveness, pretend nothing is wrong, etc.)
4. What is your present pattern of dealing with conflict and why? (Not just because you grew up a certain way.)
5. Remember to watch the Peacemaker Video #1 this week.


To Know Him, Treasure Him and Make Him Known:
Ministry and Multiplying
Luke Pavkov
1 Corinthians 3:5-15

I. Five truths about ministry:

1. God’s grace enables ministry
2. Ministry is serving God how He assigns
3. God works through us in ministry
4. God deserves all the credit for ministry
5. We must be obedient to allow God to use us in ministry

II. Three truths about multiplying:

1. What we learn is intended to be passed on
2. Multiplying occurs through relationships
3. Multiplying occurs through both what you teach and how you live

III. Instructions to those who are in ministry and multiplying:

1. Pay close attention to what you are teaching
2. We will be rewarded or suffer loss based on the content of what we teach
3. Teach God’s Word and watch your life closely