How To Grow and Connect at MCC

How To Grow and Connect at MCC

September 12, 2010
Acts 2:29-47

How to Grow Connect at MCC

Acts 2:29-47

I. Study and Prayer

A. Purpose of study is to become a Christ-like disciple in character/conduct.

B. A disciple is to become independently dependant upon the Lord.

Acts 17:10-11

C. Key ingredients for transformational Bible study:

1)      What does the text say?    

2)      What does the text mean?  

3)      What is God saying to me?   (Not what it means to me)

Acts 5:1

a.   Is there a command to follow

b.   Is there a sin to confess

  1. Is there a promise to accept?  
  2. Is there a warning to heed?
  3. Is there a truth that glorifies Christ/Cross?

Acts 4:13-31    

D. Purpose of Prayer is to realize the presence & power of Christ.

  1. Prevailing prayer – I receive an inner or external answer.
  2. People who grow independently dependent upon the Lord in study and prayer are then able to faithfully engage in others lives for discipleship.