Gospel Conduct

Gospel Conduct

March 03, 2013 | Rob Dunn
Philippians 1:27-30

Gospel Conduct

Philippians 1:27-30  Page #1175

Rob Dunn

 The Agents of Mission


The Proof of Mission


 The Community of Mission


 The Heart of Mission


 The Power of Mission


 The Privilege of Mission



Transformation Scripture: …be content with what you have…. Hebrews 13:5

Monday, 3-4-13   Reflecting on Yesterday   

1. Read Philippians 1:27-30 and discuss Sunday’s message with someone.

2. How are you fulfilling your role as an “agent” of the Gospel by your conduct and words?

3. Ask someone what evidence they see in your words and lifestyle that point to your mission mindset.

4. Pray for a closer walk with the Lord.

Tuesday, 3-5-13   Reflecting on this past Sunday

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:2 and 1 Corinthians 12:13.

2. Who is it that makes up the true body of Christ?

3. Now read 1 Corinthians 12:26.

4. Do you see the suffering of believers worldwide as your suffering?

5. How do you believe that we as a church are addressing those sufferings? How are you addressing them?

6. After reading these verses, do you believe it’s a primary calling for all believers to pray for the worldwide body of Christ? How often do you pray for believers in other places?  Does anyone come to your mind that you and your family can pray for regularly?

7. Pray right now for suffering believers.

Wednesday, 3-6-13   Reflecting on this Past Sunday

1. Read 1 Peter 3:14-17.

2. What has been your greatest fear in sharing the Gospel with someone?

3. Have you ever suffered for sharing your faith? If so, how have you been blessed? If not, pray for the opportunity and courage to share the Gospel soon.

Thursday, 3-7-13   Preparing for this Sunday

1. Read Luke 17:11-19.

2. What do you see concerning the nature of man?

3. What do you see concerning the nature of God?

4. Pray for our understanding of God and His nature to increase.

Friday, 3-8-13    Preparing Ourselves for this Sunday

1. Read Luke 17:11-19.

2. What is the greatest miracle in this passage and why? (Col. 2:13-15)

3. Pray for a proper perspective of salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone and in Christ alone.

Saturday, 3-9-13   Preparing for Tomorrow

1. Pray for His people and read Psalm 28:7 to prepare for tomorrow.