Being A Slave of Christ-Being Dependent Upon the Lord

Being A Slave of Christ-Being Dependent Upon the Lord

February 17, 2013 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 17:1-10

Being A Slave of Christ

Being Dependent Upon the Lord

Luke 17:1-10     Page #1045

Todd Cyphers


I.    Point others to Christ and not confuse them  

II.  Quickly forgive and seek restoration       

III. Depending upon Christ and not _________________       

Dependence - Trusting in and relying upon Christ and His resources comes from the new DNA of our spiritual disposition   when we are transformed by the New Birth. This dependence can be cultivated by walking with Him and obeying Him.

John 3:1-8                Page #1060

1.  Realizing we can do nothing ___________________________.

John 5:18-21

John 8:28-29

John 14:10

John 15:5

2. Grow in _______________________His presence and ministry. 

John 5:16-17, 20

John 10:14-15

John 14:21

John 15:7-11

3. Mature in enjoying and living for ___________________________.

Glory- True and clear expression of Himself

John 14:13-14  

John 17:1-10

4. Increasing in ___________________with His people and mission.

John 17:11-12, 15-23

Transformation Verse -  …through love serve one another. Gal. 5:13 (NASB) 

Monday, 2-18-13  Reflecting on Yesterday   

1. Discuss Sunday’s message with someone.

2. A steadfast and dependent person “knows” God is in control and that    He causes and allows all things. How would knowing this truth affect a person’s daily life?

3. Pray for a more dependent spirit in our walk with the Lord.

Tuesday, 2-19-13  Reflecting on this Past Sunday

1. Read Psalm 36:7-9. Describe in your own words what life is meant to    be like for God’s people?

2. Now read 2 Corinthians 3:18. How do you “behold” Him daily (gaze at Him, become focused on Him)? What changes in your life take place when you behold Him?

3. Pray for our desire to fix our eyes on Him.

Wednesday, 2-20-13  Reflecting on this Past Sunday

1. Read Exodus 15:13 and Philippians 2:12-13.  Who gives the willingness and the ability to live a dependent, fruit bearing and steadfast life?

2. When do you most enjoy depending upon the Lord? When are you most tempted to do life in your own strength?

3. Read Psalm 46 if you have time, and praise Him for His sufficiency.

Thursday, 2-21-13  Preparing for this Sunday - Grateful Obedience

1. The last part of Luke 17:1-10 reveals that slaves of Christ live with    grateful obedience.

2. Read 1 Thess. 5:16-18. What does the author expect God’s people to  experience daily?

3. What qualifiers are there in this passage? (such as - be thankful when life is going well, or be joyful when things go your way)

4. Pray for our thankfulness.

Friday, 2-22-13  Preparing Ourselves for this Sunday

1. Read Colossians 3:12-17. Meditate on God’s commands and calling to His people. What truths precede the command to be thankful in verse 12 that would cause us to be thankful?

2. Pray for anyone God brings to your mind.

Saturday, 2-23-13  Preparing for Tomorrow

1. Pray for His people all over the world as He leads you. Pray that we will be less self-focused and more fixed on Him and His Kingdom. (Psalm 105:4)