Social Media in Marriages

Posted by Brad Wingler on

Today the word "social media" is as prominent as any other. We see relationships being built by this technology regularly.  We see long lost friends reunited.  We see great pictures posted as memories, and milestones like graduations, marriages, and births celebrated.  Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can really be a helpful way to grow healthy God-honoring relationships.  I'm involved with a group of people that share prayer requests, encouraging words, Scripture, and victories in ministry.  I cherish that group and would not want to lose this group that I am extremely close with.  

However, social media can also be very harmful to relationships, and unfortunately this is what we see or hear of the most.  Social media can at times hurt our friendships, and even worse our marriages.  Check out the article below from "All Pro Dad" and contemplate the principles for healthy social media practices.

10 Marital Principles for Social Media
